March 22 | 8-9 | 4th flr audi | batch announcements |
| 9-11 | Grounds | CAT |
| 11 – 1 | | Clearance |
| 2– 4 | 4th flr audi | Batch song |
March 23 | 8 – 9 | | Clearance |
| 9 – 11 | Field | Grad practice |
| 1 – 3 | 4th flr audi | Batch song/ Mass songs |
| 3 – 5 | Field | Grad practice |
March 24 | 8 – 11 | Field | Grad practice |
| 1 – 3 | 4th flr audi | Batch song/ Mass songs |
| 3 – 5 | Field | Grad practice |
March 25 | 8 – 9 | | Clearance |
| 9 – 12 | Seminar room | KAIST Talk (30 – 60 students) |
| 9 – 11 | Field | Grad practice |
| 1 – 3 | 4th flr audi | Batch song/ Mass songs |
| 3 – 5 | Field | Grad practice |
March 26 | 8 – 11 | Field | Grad practice |
| 1 – 3 | Field | Grad practice & Batch song |
| 3 -5 | Field | Special Performance of those with Sanctions |
*Bring extra shirts, water, fan, umbrella, sun block, hats
*Anyone not participating in the practice or missed practice without permission will be reprimanded and be given sanction. Any form of gadgets (phone, psp, laptop, etc.) or materials (books, toys, etc.) that is being used during any practice will be confiscated. Those who skip practice and go to malls or computer shops will be severely reprimanded.
* You are given 2 hour lunch break so excuse for being tardy coz of late delivery will not be accepted.
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